• Recycled plastic, making up our Winter Walkways

Winter Pathways

This week as we are experiencing more winter conditions, we are looking at countryside walks and more specifically, that most of the elements within them, can now be made from recycled plastic.

Everything from small bridges over woodland gaps to larger bridges, boardwalks, woodland paths, bespoke gates, post and rail fencing and pasture fencing can be designed and easily made from this sustainable material. Best of all, the material will not mind that its in the deepest of winter, or the brightest sunshine of summer.

Here at Revive we have taken time out to understand just how to work with the material so that we can give the most value to our clients. Any of the mentioned structures will come with years of longevity and no maintenance routines.

Recycled plastic structures are perfect for domestic use and we can alter the specification where required to make structures that will work perfectly in more demanding applications such as public areas and heavy traffic locations.

Recycled plastic really is a material for all seasons so why not give yourself the gift of sustainability and durability by making your next project with recycled plastic.

Keep warm and stay safe.

Find out more here
