Plastic Working With Nature

Equestrian Plastic - A Clear Winner

I think the most memorable image from the TV in the last few months has been the stunningly beautiful black horse galloping in the open countryside. So majestic, gentle and yet ultimately powerful with every movement.

One of the goals at Revive #recycledplastics has been to work with #nature and our #environment to reduce the crippling effect of land fill sites and re-channel #plasticwaste to work for our #world in a positive way. People are finally starting to wake up to #plasticrecycling.

Our Paddock Slabs have been designed to support this magnificent animal, in fact, it has been specifically tested and formulated to make the plastic cell opening small enough for foal and pony hooves. The slabs cushion and support the hoof but are at the same time tough enough to hold a heavy goods vehicle.

The Paddock Slabs can also be used for riding arenas, paddocks and pastures, general stable areas, parking and access for horse boxes and in paddocks for mud control.
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